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Kelpie’s Name

By 17:17:00

Kelpie’s Name

The kelpie dog’s long history
Is still partly a mystery
Got by a Scottish man
Was a pair of dogs’ black and tan
In Australia they had puppies here
And one a roly poly dear
He gave to his nephew and called it Kelpie
A good working dog not yelpy
Some say was swapped by night
With a stockman in the moonlight
Others say the stockman swapped a horse as pay
For Kelpie in the paddock, in light of day
Though it’s debated how it was got
Kelpie certainly was worth a lot
Everyone wanted one of kelpie’s pups
The dogs headed sheep while stockman on horse gallops
Soon kelpie’s name became a breed
Because of their agility and high-speed

I wrote this poem a while ago, but I was just thinking about it and thought I'd share it. By the way I don't particularly like dogs, but if I had to deicide a kelpie would be my favourite.

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