Bird activity: November
For a long time this month it looked to be the driest on record, having only 6mm of rain so far. Our previous lowest for November is 20mm. Birds are hiding for most of the day. The only ones I can be sure of seeing when I step outside (if I dare to face the heat) are the Noisy Miners and Australian Ravens.
Then on the 25th it got cloudy, and as evening drew on a wind began to blow and rain began to fall. We had 22mm of rain that night and a few more the next day. The brown dead grass and drooping plants, turned green and came springing back to life. The next few days were cool and cloudy and along with the greenness of the grass the birds appeared.
Grey Crowned Babbler |
Magpies, rosellas, kookaburras, cockatoos, corellas, butcherbirds, created pigeons, Grey crowned babblers and even some rainbow lorikeets appeared. Now all through the day many species can be seen when I step outside.
One morning a big white bird sat in the top branches of a dead tree a little way off, I investigated and found it to be a Yellow-billed spoonbill. They are white with slightly yellow bills. It is commonly found in southeast Australia (round here). There are three other sorts of spoonbill the Royal spoonbill (identifiable by a completely black bill), the Roseate spoonbill (identifiable by its pink wings but if you are in Australia there will be no need to identify it) and the Eurasian spoonbill, which again is not an Australian bird so you won't see it in the Australia.
Australian Wood Ducks |
Young galahs are leaving their hollows in trees and flying around. Then of course they like to come and sit on a branch just outside a window and squawk and continue to do so until one of their parents feeds them. They make a different noise while being fed then continue the monotonous squawking.