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Jesus Is Risen!

By 16:21:00 , ,

He is risen indeed! What wonderful joy this brings those who belong to him. The life we are living now is not the life we were designed to live, we were designed to live a life with God, but now mankind lives in a fallen world. As C.S.Lewis said “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”

We are indeed made for a better world and one day after Jesus returns he shall take us there. But for now we should glorify God wherever we are. Everything in creation was designed to glorify him and to point back to God. We are here to make HIS NAME great. Jesus is what we were designed for, so in him we can be satisfied. 

We were all slaves to sin but a King, The King, gave up his life to save us, while we were still rebelling against his rule! Romans 5:8 "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." If that isn't amazing than what is? Because of the cross we can have the relationship we were designed to have. Because of the cross we can one day have the life we were designed to live, and live it for eternity. 

Jesus hit the wall of sin and knocked it flat. HIS death brought about the death of death. Death could not hold him, he is risen indeed! If you have Jesus, you have life! And not just any life but a completely new life. We are God's cherished children. John 14:3 "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." He has gone and we are waiting for his return. So as we wait, let us not grow weary in glorifying him!

The above was written from my sermon notes I have taken the last few weeks. Here is a link to the Easter sermon series our church did this year. All sermons can be downloaded in various different ways. And if you follow the link you will see the same photo as the sermon cover as the above one (which can be used as a desktop wallpaper) because they are the same, and I make all the 'art' for our sermons and ads. So I have not stolen the photo from anyone, tis mine.

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