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Paid Photoshoot

By 10:19:00 , , ,

A few days ago I did a paid photo shoot with a lovely family that comes from India. I ended up giving them 55 photos because I couldn't chose..... and they wanted lots anyway, I did have 333 to chose out of and 333 and 55 are rather cool numbers. Obviously though a lot of the 333 were at the wrong exposure or some people were not looking. This first photo is one of my favourites, It was totally candid, so I suppose they are all looking more natural than in some others. 

They had two beautiful children. At first the little girl was very shy and would not look at me but eventually she warmed up to me and by the end she just loved me.

The above photo is another of my favourites that I took when she didn't want to look at me.

Despite the fact that the above photo looks edited it is one of the ones that I did absolutely nothing too, the light in the background was the very last light of the day. 

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